Friday, April 06, 2007

(sigh) It's not the mileage, it's the octane...

Oh, dear...

And right when things seemed to be clicking along so nicely. What is it that sends a creative effort off the rails? Lack of time? Competing commitments? Or the creeping sensation that, when this is done, you might NEVER think of something good to do again?

Hmmm.... a serious pep talk would seem to be in order. Clever Jane (aka Super Talented Seamster) must wrest herself from the glowing video, climb the stairs to the Temple of Spools, consume cookies along the way, and shove a tape into the VCR. That, and the soothing hum of the beloved Bernina, will soon have her in tip-top, clickety-clack, sewing motion.

Okay. And with that tomfoolery written, I'm off....

-- susi

No Blog post is complete without a picture.
Little Feisty, above, is wearing the scarf I knitted
for Aunt Sharon last August.
Problem is, I don't think I ever sent it to her.

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