Friday, February 23, 2007

Not March Madness (yet)

Well, whadda ya know? I'd sworn off quilting, said I'd never do it again, gave away my quilting fabrics (to XenaPrincessWarrior), and set my sights on higher accomplishments.

Yeah, right. And pigs fly. Here are some photos of my latest trip to quilting madness as it reigns in the spare bedroom:

Above, a full-on view of the mess. Below, the right side of insanity.

How I spent my summer vacation...(cough, cough). Okay, seriously -- I dedicated the week of mid-winter break from my high-school library job (may it be forever blessed) to jump-starting the project I call the BethQuilt. This opus, begun with great enthusiasm in August of 2006, took a major detour into never-gonna-be-made territory by October: the inkjet fabric I'd bought for the photo transfers gave, shall we say, less than optimal results.

November saw me at the quilt store, clutching packets of EQ's Printed Treasures. December and I were not friends, as I fretted and fumed over this commitment. January passed with still more kvetching and worry. Nothing, it seemed, would budge the feeble attempts I'd made in the fall. And the thought of reprinting all those photos was sooooo depressing... ayah! as BigBrain would say (we don't know what it means, but we take it as a friendly and sympathetic exclamation).

February, I knew, would be the do or die month. Either it would be started in earnest this week or it never will be. So, after several days of putzing around on the computer with photos and fabric, and chasing a fourth star in the KnittersReview forums, I've gotten this far:

Above is the left of (I like to call it organized) insanity.
Below is a closeup of one of the blocks.

What made this fun at this particular point in time (aside from resigning from a national quilting organization's Board of Directors - yipee!)? Tossing out the carefully prepared graph I mocked up during the summer, and allowing myself to have fun. Plus, Country Quilter is having a 25% off sale through Sunday, and I'm intrigued by the pinkness of the world I'm living in just now....

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