Friday, February 23, 2007

The hat for Little Brain

Here's the hat promised for Little Brain, made from the leftover yarn from Big Brain's momentous request for a hat. Now, understanding that Little Brain doesn't need a hat, it's safe to bet that this is throwing twenty dollars worth of yarn into a pit. Not to mention the hours of toil and hope as we do and re-do the decreases to achieve the perfect bowl effect for the crown (much better than BigBrain's slightly peaky tip). For it is known to the community at large, that Little Brain is distinctly unable to keep his mitts on his own property, unless it is of immeasurable value to him. As in, perhaps, the new issue of Make magazine.

Oh dear. And to think that all this lovely yarn and effort will be wasted on an unworthy freshman English major, who will find it -- abandoned, unloved -- at Bartleby Library one chilly March afternoon. Even if he does play the sax. And is destined for greatness, wearing the toils of my fingers on his irregularly shaped bean. He also probably sports a baldy haircut.

No matter. I'll sit in the dark. At least I have the photos.

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