Sunday, March 18, 2007

March Madness at last!

March 18, 2007: It's only been a few weeks since Intrepid Quilter's (aka Clever Jane) last post, but an update appears to be in order. This is to ensure that Interested Parties are kept up to date, and can do their paid/interesting/fulfilling work with less fretting. So, without further fanfare, here (drum roll, please) are the "bits" laid out on the guest/snoring room coverlet, as of March 17, 2007:

If you look carefully, you'll see a line of smaller images to the left and at the top. IQ is thinking that these will provide a frame for the insanity in the body of the quilt:

and again:

And, of course, we musn't ignore the need to feature various Gorgeous Girls:

And, as was said so clevely in the movie "Amadeus,"

"Well. There you have it."
Happy viewing, ladeez. Be sure to post your (effusive) comments.

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