Tuesday, January 09, 2007

ACK! Attack of the yarn!

A crazed trip to a going-out-of-business sales netted me 15,120 feet of yarn yes, we did the math)! Yikes -- I'd sworn off stash, had GIVEN AWAY my quilting stash, agonized over my dressmaking stash, continue to swoon over my silk ribbon stash, and now I have yarn stash! Pictures to follow...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

How I returned to an early love...

No, not my first boyfriend! Eeeww! And besides, this is a FIBER blog. Got it?

After our first, sadly neurotic cat went to the big litter box in the sky, our family had to decide on our future in the pet-owning world. I, for one, was happy not to be in charge of feeding and cleaning up after a pet. But others professed themselves "lonely" (like I'm not good enough company? thanks!) So, on a chilly October Saturday, we all trooped down to PetSmart and cased a Sound Shore Animal League adoption fair.

Feisty and More Feisty have been in charge of the house for three years now, and no needle or thread known to man is safe. My glorious Bernina lay unused. No fabric project was safe from fiddly claws. I felt a distinct anger at the enforced fiber-withdrawal. And a need to reassert my creative urges -- but, Clever Jane here knew I needed a project that could be "bagged" and safe from prying eyes (and claws).

Soooo....out came the pointy sticks and some yarn that had been bought but never knit up. That netted me a trip through Elizabeth Zimmerman's Tomten jacket (which I'd only wanted to make for about 16 years). Then, the Windy City scarf for young PrincessWarrior and another for her cousin.

Then came the sock class.....

Oh dear, socks are addictive. And fun. And there's two of them. And they're portable. And you get to wear them, so the mistakes are hidden in your shoes. Wow! Many socks later, I have flourished those nifty turned heels and grafted toes all over town.

So -- the yarn gets admired and petted and worked with and put away where the little claws can't get to it. Victory! An early love reclaimed.